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Data type in a sentence

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Sentence count:189Posted:2018-02-22Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: data transferqualitative datastand at attentiondata transmissionquantitative dataatypicalplatypusatypically
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91 An implementation like that makes use of the fact that functions like SUBSTR and LENGTH still work correctly on the GRAPHIC data type.
92 Whenever you work with some piece of data—which might be an integer or a number with a fractional part or a character—the Java compiler needs to know its data type.
93 A complex data type in a LotusScript Web service is simply a public class with one or more public properties.
94 For example, one could define an abstract data type called lookup table which uniquely associates keys with values, and in which values may be retrieved by specifying their corresponding keys.
95 A Student class, for example, is a derived data type formed by a collection of primitive data types.
96 Static search set is an abstract data type with the operations initialize, insert, and retrieve.
97 The token data type is also derived from the String data type.
98 Let us implement a simple string data type which we will later include into a set.
99 Note the values for name, data type, default value and Nullable.
100 When you declare an elementary data type, it is not safe to assume that its memory consumption is the same as its nominal storage allocation.
101 On the other hand, if the first join column is an integer, the related join column must also be of an integer data type, but it can be a different size.
102 The basic C character type is a 1-byte data type, and no programmer dreams of changing it.
103 Adding temporal data type to system, the temporal data can be managed conveniently and effectively in relational database system.
104 A structured data type is a form of user-defined data type that contains a sequence of attributes, each of which has a data type.
105 The choice of the data structure often begins from the choice of an abstract data type.
106 Check if the given input has the expected data type.
107 The Node object is the primary data type for the entire DOM.
108 This paper discusses an implementation framework of abstract data type(ADT), in which application of object technology in implementation of ADT is demonstrated by examples of linear_list.
109 An operator class defines how a particular data type can be used with an index.
110 Returns the data type of the items in the specified list.
111 Since a char can store small positive numbers and since the character data type is a sub-range of the unsigned integer data type, C!
112 In this case, you need to build a complex data type for an array of strings.
113 Consistency across these expressions of data type is critical and is driven through the specification of a canonical data model.
114 The destination data type stores values differently, and even the value being represented might change,( type.html) depending on the kind of conversion being performed.
115 A default cannot be bound to a user - defined data type whose base data type is timestamp.
116 The integer data type is used to specify a numeric value without a fractional component.
117 APPLICATION_ID Scalar function Returns the application ID of the current connection. The data type of the result is VARCHAR(128).
118 In many cases, you can switch from one data type to another just by changing the filename extension.
119 If you've never encountered an exact precision data type, the distinction between a decimal and floating-point type may be confusing.
120 Note: The XML processor will not modify the value if you use the string data type.
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